Weight Loss Program & Slimming Treatment

Weight loss, in the context of medicine, health or physical fitness, is a reduction of the total body mass, due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat or adipose tissue and/or lean mass, namely bone mineral deposits, muscle, tendon and other connective tissue. To achieve desirable body weight, most people choosing starvation method, a state of extreme hunger so that body will burn off the excess fat in the body. This is not encouraged as it only will result from lack of essential nutrients over a prolonged period, end up with others health problem.

Who needs for Weight Loss?

– People who are overweight or obese

– People who are having eating disorder

– People who are alcoholism

– People who have limited physical exercise and sedentary lifestyle

With our Weight Loss Program, a wide variety of dietary strategies have been designed to meet the needs of individuals seeking to lose excess weight. For instance, our professions will suggest that what are the daily calories should be consumed by you in order to maintain health. It is important to note that these recommendations primarily target relatively healthy individuals who seek weight loss for a better body tonus. Our Slimming Treatment different slimming technologies such as cellophane body wraps, massages, use of different creams and lotions and of a variety of High Technology devises we can disintegrate or melt fat away from one's body, either full body or spotted areas. You can be assured of its significant results after you experience it

Lymphatic Drainage Treatment

The lymphoid system is the part of the immune system comprising a network of conduits called lymphatic vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph unidirectional toward the heart. Lymphoid tissue is found in many organs, particularly the lymph nodes, and in the lymphoid follicles associated with the digestive system such as the tonsils. Clinical study had proved that the lymphoid system has multiple interrelated functions. Two of the important functions are:

– It responsible for the removal of interstitial fluid from tissues.

– It absorbs and transports fatty acids and fats as chyle from the circulatory system.

In other words, a good lymph circulation is important as it helps to flush out toxins, fat cells fluids and excessive water. With our Lymphatic Drainage Treatment, we will help you go thru a detoxification process, so that the entire toxin in the body will flush out effectively and giving you healthiness and beauty.

Post Natal Care Treatment

After a pregnancy, most of us want to get back to our pre-pregnancy shape and weight as soon as possible, but many women experience difficulties in losing their post pregnancy weight. Over the past 9 months your body has been through many changes and you have most likely been through a roller-coaster of emotions along your journey. With the new joys and challenges of motherhood ahead of you, one of the most common concerns for a new mother is ‘how do I get back my pre-pregnancy body'? The body actually recovers from most aspects of pregnancy naturally; the uterus contracts to close to its former size in about six weeks and the body's ligaments return slowly but surely to their former length and elasticity (in around 3 to 6 months). Unfortunately though, muscle tissue doesn't respond in the same way, so it is necessary to find a way into your new routine in order to return your muscles to their former length, strength and functional capability.

Again, most of the ‘New Mama' will choose starving method. DON'T STARVE! Starving won't works; they mess with your mind and slow down your metabolism. The biggest mistake most people make when trying to lose weight is to simply try and starve themselves. This kind of strategy has a number of major downfalls. The main problem is that when you restrict calories in a drastic and uncontrolled manner in order to lose weight the body does shed a small amount of body fat, but not fat alone. Protein found in muscle tissue gets used to fuel daily activity and essential bodily fluids are also lost. The minute you resume eating normally water levels will quickly be restored to normal and body weight will in turn stabilise once more, but the muscle tissue lost will not return and this has a number of disastrous effects.

With our unique Post Natal Care Treatment, you no need to be starving. We not only help you dissolve those fats that solidifies in the abdomen, also help you firm up the skins that become loose. Then, no one will believe that you're mother of the children.
Body Treatment Devices

FD Slimming Machine

Lipo Suction Sculptor

Spain Sorisa Bio Slim Treatment

Lymphatic Drainage System