Why you need to get a tattoo removed?
The metal salts in tattoo pigment can cause burning and pain during MRI procedure. Some hospitals refused to perform MRI procedure on patients with tattoos on their body
-Some pigments that react to light may break down into toxin components that may flow into our bloodstream and thereby burden our liver and kidney.
-Extensive list of potentially harmful ingredients in tattoo ink has yet been approved by FDA. According to American Academy of Dermatology, no one knows what is inside the ink.
-European Commision has also voiced out Findings of Possible Health Deffects
*Allergic reactions
*Skin diseases
*Skin cancer
*Behavioural changes
1. Is Q Switched Yag Laser a safe procedure?
A: Q Switched Yag Laser is a safe and effective method of treating age spots and tattoos. It is performed by a laser safety officer skillful in the use of lasers.
 2. What are the possible side effects from Q Switched Yag Laser treatment?
A: Possible side effects include blistering and crusting after the treatment.
 3. Is Q Switched Yag Laser painful?
A: For laser treatment of tattoo removal, the skin is numbed with a local anesthetic.This is to ensures patient’s comfort during the treatment. Small age spots may not require a local anesthetic.
 4. How long is each treatment?
A:The length of this treatment varies depending on the size of the area being treated. A few age spots may be lasered in a     few minutes;a large tattoo may require 30 minutes or longer.
 5 How many treatments will I need?
A: Typically most age spots and acne scarring require 3 – 6 treatments depending on the needs of individual. Each tattoo is unique, but most profound tattoos will require 5 – 10 treatments that are spread out to 6 – 12 months interval. Number of treatments depends on the amount of ink, type of ink, depth of ink placed under the skin, location, age and the length of duration the tattoos has performed.
 6. How much does tattoo removal cost?
A: Fees for tattoo removal are calculated as per treatment and determined by size, color and complexity of each unique tattoo. At the initial stage, each tattoo will be examined and cost per treatment and estimated number of treatments required will be provided. It is important to note that many tattoo removal centres use less expensive and less powerful laser systems which in many cases require twice as many treatments than would be required. We often treat patients who have finished their ‘packages’ at other centres with only slight fading of a tattoo.
7. How will I look after each treatment?
A: Quite often that the treated skin becomes red immediately after the procedure. An antibiotic ointment will be applied to the area and a dressing will be applied to the treated area. Some redness and crusting may last for 3 – 7 days.
8. How do I take care of my skin after the Q Switched Yag Laser treatment?
A: Patients are asked to apply antibiotic ointment and a band aid to the treated area for one to two weeks. It is important to protect all your skin from the sun using a sunscreen with a minimum sun protection coverage of  SPF 21 every day as well as sun protective clothing if necessary.
9. Can tattoos be completely removed with the Q Switched Yag Laser?
A: Most tattoos are considerably improved, and many are completely removed. Some areas may show a “shadow” of the former tattoo, which will gradually clears off through our body lymphatic drainage system. However, some tattoo pigment colors are more difficult to be removed than others.